What Labels Are you Wearing?

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My daughter and I had a fun talk about being introverts recently. If you’ve been thinking introverts are shy, boring, and unsocial, I’m sorry to tell you that it is inaccurate. We are very social and pretty darn fun. We just recharge our batteries alone. If we ever shut down in public, don’t worry. It probably just means we need a day or so to unwind.

In the same way, if you’re a kind person, it doesn’t mean you are a doormat.

If you’re a creative person but aren’t feeling inspired, go relax and play awhile.

If you’re making a mess of your life, it may mean you need to grieve something you got that you didn’t need or you didn’t get something you did need. Let yourself grieve.

If you’ve believed you shouldn’t cry, please let me invite you to try it. Tears are not for show or a method to get our way. Let go of the pain. Check out John 11:35. It’s one of my favorite verses even though it’s only two words. “Jesus wept”. You won’t fall apart if you cry, but may fall apart if you don’t.

You are lovable. You’re going to be just fine.

If you’re a right-brained person, maybe you feel like you come up short when in the same room with straight-A students. I watched many friends make honor roll when I was in school. I always got a free ride to Mariner’s baseball games when my friends earned free tickets. It was always a happy-sad for me since I was the one that came up just short of earning an honor roll certificate & free tickets of my own.

Sometimes the labels we wear block us from making friends. They keep us from getting much-needed rest. Labels stifle us. They lock us into laws that aren’t true. They may stop us from being or doing what we are called to do.

So, here’s to challenging self-made rules.

Here’s to being you.

Here’s to the freedom to grieve. To cry.
Here’s to your future “hoorays! ”

Here’s to naps.

Here’s to being who you were made to be.
Here’s to removing labels.

You go, friend!

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