How to Make Homemade Easter Grass

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How to Make Homemade Easter Grass

If you are a scrapbooker like me who doesn’t like to waste your paper, you probably have scraps like this around.

Although pretty, these papers eventually go out of style if you let them sit around too long. Don’t ask how I know this. I just do.

I have found a resourceful fix that will put a smile on your face and help you clear out some of those paper scraps that are spilling out of your storage container. Just trim the brand names off the edges.

When you use two-sided papers, be sure that all of the sides match in colors and style. Oops. these matched on the other side but on this side they are clash-y.

Be sure to use a strip-cut paper shredder so that you end up with nice, lengthy strips.

Crosscut shredders will only give you one-inch strips.

How to Make Homemade Easter Grass

the paper is cut, crinkle it how you like and place in a gift basket, gift box or whatever your fancy.

Annnnd… homemade Easter grass.

Ooooo how cute is this?

Weeeeeeeee! There are no words.

Somebody stop me.

Those who have been reading since back know that I’m a hymn lover; thus, I am a hymnal lover. I use hymnals for crafting because they are so freakin’ beautiful. No worries, I have only re-purposed almost one hymnal so I am not on a mission to take out all of the beautiful old hymnals on planet earth. I am a hymnal-hugger. On that note… ba-dum ching!

Oh, the makes we could make! Girls, we shall have fun with newspapers, comic books, tissue paper, and children’s books. Little paper bird’s nests formed with wire while placing chocolate candy eggs inside. Easter grass has never been more fun.

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5 thoughts on “How to Make Homemade Easter Grass
  1. Great point about using strip cut shredder. I guess I need to invest in a second shredder just for crafts.

  2. Great idea! Since I am a crafter I tried this on a brown paper bag. Mine was not a strip cut shredder but the smaller pieces will work in some projects. Thank’s for the idea.

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